Our Philosophy..

Golden Temple

Our friendly, interactive service helps you plan personalized holidays

Method behind selecting places to stay


  • As far as possible recommend hotels that are friendly and charming (non-hotel like)
  • Recommend hotels that we have actually personally stayed at and enjoyed
  • Give guests the options to experience a few homestays during their trip (if they would like to)
  • Be very flexible with the kind of hotels we recommend, a younger traveler loves inexpensive back-packer friendly hotel, while someone else might actually want the option of staying at some of the awe-inspiring hotels in India.Most of our guests do experience a homestay during their trip. India has some fabulous luxurious hotels and we always recommend those to our guests with a more liberal budget.
    Pricing Format
  • We follow a unique format of giving our guests a complete break-up of their trip amount i.e. you’d know exactly how much each hotel night, car hire, flight and our planning and booking fees costs
    Recommend activities other guests or we have enjoyed
  • We are avid travelers ourselves. We will always recommend interesting tours, activities that either we or our guests have enjoyed. (and help you book them)
    Be reachable before and through the trip
  • We always try our best to patiently reply to all your mails and questions. We get in touch/ are contactable throughout your trip
    Meet guests, make new friends
  • Our journey with Indianprive , would not have been half as exciting if we had not been able to meet/spend time with our wonderful guests from around the world that visit Mumbai (Bombay). Whenever possible we love meeting our guests


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